Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Biotech companies map - Denmark and Sweden

A Google map displaying Biotech companies located in Sweden and in Denmark:

Thank you very much to @TommyCarstensen for his great help and advices in selecting the companies displayed on this map!

View Biotech Companies 2012 - Denmark and Sweden in a larger map
Use this form if you want to suggest a correction to your company information.


the marker shows the precise location of the company 
the marker shows the location area of the company

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Biotech Companies map - Germany

A Google map displaying Biotech companies located in Germany (see also Biotechs in Spain and Biotechs in France maps):

View Biotech Companies 2012 - Germany in a larger map

Use this form if you want to suggest a correction to your company information.


the marker shows the precise location of the company 
the marker shows the location area of the company

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Biotech Companies map - France

Here is a new map displaying Biotech companies located in France, following the previous post about Spanish Biotech companies.

View Biotech Companies 2012 - France in a larger map.
Use this form if you want to suggest a correction to your company information.


the marker shows the precise location of the company 
the marker shows the location area of the company

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Biotechs companies map - Spain

This is a first step in building a map of European Biotech companies. Here we start with Spanish companies only. The info box (when you click a marker) should display the name, web, employees and location of the company. 

View Biotech Companies 2012 - Spain in a larger map.
Use this form if you want to suggest a correction to your company information


the markers shows the exact location of the company,
the marker shows the area of the company

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Genomic Structural Variation: Methods & Protocols

Book of the month about Structural Variation:

1. What Have Studies of Genomic Disorders Taught Us About Our Genome?
2. Microdeletion and Microduplication Syndromes
3. Structural Genomic Variation in Intellectual Disability
4. Copy Number Variation and Psychiatric Disease Risk
5. Detection and Characterization of Copy Number Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
6. Structural Variation in Subtelomeres
7. Array-Based Approaches in Prenatal Diagnosis
8. Structural Variation and Its Effect on Expression
9. The Challenges of Studying Complex and Dynamic Regions of the Human Genome
10. Population Genetic Nature of Copy Number Variation
11. Detection and Interpretation of Genomic Structural Variation in Mammals
12. Structural Genetic Variation in the Context of Somatic Mosaicism
13. Online Resources for Genomic Structural Variation
14. Algorithm Implementation for CNV Discovery Using Affymetrix and Illumina SNP Array Data
15. Targeted Screening and Validation of Copy Number Variations
16. High-Resolution Copy Number Profiling by Array CGH Using DNA Isolated from Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissues
17. Characterizing and Interpreting Genetic Variation from Personal Genome Sequencing
18. Massively Parallel Sequencing Approaches for Characterization of Structural Variation